Chris standing up holding his daughter Elva
inaksha — a gluten-free bakery employing IDPs


It is a certified gluten-free bakery that produces quality, nutraceutically rich, and balanced food for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. After the full-scale invasion began, the project's founders became one of the few producers of critical raw materials for this vulnerable category of people.

"I did not create the idea because it found me on its own. Because of caring for a loved one, I faced a complicated problem at the time. Realizing that I am not alone in this, connecting with families who have overcome the same obstacles led me to find a solution, think about it, and bring the idea to life. Currently, we plan to explore the new reality and us in it, adapt the product line, and services to new customer needs, enter new markets, and not give up," says Anastasia, the project's founder.

Many new things await the winners ahead. They will actively develop their business during the war, apply the acquired knowledge and skills, and constantly receive advice and feedback from mentors and experts of the Academy. However, the most important thing is that they will contribute to social business development in Ukraine!

The social component of the project is also the creation of additional jobs for internally displaced persons.

More on the company's website: