Chris standing up holding his daughter Elva
Coffee Shop “Poruch” — how a cup of coffee helps the Ukrainian military

Slogan: Quality coffee grain from the best plantations in the world

About the initiative

The coffee shop helps to support ATO veterans and their families through the "Near" center. Thanks to it, residents and guests of Kramatorsk can get acquainted with the world of quality coffee drinks from around the world. The company also carries out a social mission - supports the activities of the Center for ATO veterans and their families. 80% of the profits are transferred to the economic, functional and organizational activities of the Center Nearby.

How did it start

In autumn 2015, after demobilization, we created the public organization "Union of veterans of anti-terrorist operation of Donbass". One of the tasks was to create a shelter center for veterans, where they would receive psychological and legal assistance, as well as counsel on various issues. The main question was how to create this center and where to get resources.

One of the ideas was to create a business that would cover the costs associated with the social activities of the center. And we implemented this idea in the format of the cafe "Nearby". Now it is one of the locations of our Center. On a par with other locations, namely the family room, gym, training hall, the cafe is popular with visitors.

What are they doing now: The cafe is currently open and delights its guests with drinks. It is possible to buy delicacies, drink delicious coffee and help the center, which helps ATO veterans.
